Chakra Health, Excessive, and Deficient Signs in the Chakras
The First Chakra
- Healthy signs: Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust
- Excessive: Heaviness, sluggish, monotony, obesity, hoarding, materialism, greed
- Deficient: Fearful, undisciplined, restless, underweight, spacey
The Second Chakra
- Healthy signs: Fluidity, pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling
- Excessive: Overly emotional, poor boundaries, sex addiction, obsessive attachments, hungry ghosts, addictions
- Deficient: Frigid, impotent, rigid, emotionally numb, fearful of pleasure
The Third Chakra
- Healthy signs: Vitality, spontaneity, strength of will, purpose, self-esteem, having agency, able to create appropriate boundaries
- Excessive: Dominating, controlling, aggressive, scattered, constantly active
- Deficient: Weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful
The Fourth Chakra
- Healthy signs: Balance, compassion, self-acceptance, good relationships
- Excessive: Codependency, poor boundaries, possessive, jealous
- Deficient: Shy, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, bitter, critical
The Fifth Chakra
- Healthy signs: Clear communication, creativity, resonance, tolerant and non reactive of varied views
- Excessive: Excessive talking, inability to listen, stuttering
- Deficient: Fear of speaking, poor rhythm, asphasia
The Sixth Chakra
- Healthy signs: Psychic perception, accurate interpretation, imagination, clear seeing
- Excessive: Headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty concentrating
- Deficient: Poor memory, poor vision, unimaginative, denial
The Seventh Chakra
- Healthy signs: Wisdom, knowledge, consciousness, spiritual connection
- Excessive: Overly intellectual, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation
- Deficient: Learning difficulties, spiritual skepticism, limiting beliefs, materialism, apathy
some adaptation from Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith