Some suggested reading, videos, links to invite presence, awareness, curiosity, and to open up potential for balancing and healing

Yoga Poses and corresponding Chakras

(please get appropriate guidance and instruction from a qualified instructor if you have not practiced yoga before)

Root (First)

  • Mountain pose, Staff Pose, Bound Angle, Bridge, Crab, Half Wind Relieving, Full wind Relieving, Locust, Half warrior (Warrior poses are not recommended for people with heart issues and high blood pressure), Child’s Pose

Sacral (Second)

  • Cobra, Boat, Seated Forward Bend, Supine Bound Angle, Downward Dog, Seated Angle, Balancing Bear, Frog,

Solar Plexus (Third)

  • Bow, Seated Forward Bend, Upward Boat, Inclined Plane, Warrior 1 (Warrior poses are not recommended for people with heart issues and high blood pressure) Warrior 2

Heart (Fourth)

  • Fish, Pigeon and Modified Pigeon, Camel, Standing Backbend, Prayer Twist,

Throat (Fifth)

  • Fish, Camel, Standing Backbend, Lion’s Face

Third Eye (Sixth)

  • Child, Pyramid, Seated Head to Knee, Seated Side Angle, Shavassana

Crown (Seventh)

  • Lion’s Face, Shavassana